Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jamie! And I'm full term!

Jamie's third birthday also marks the beginning of my 37th week.

We had a party on Saturday with friends and family to celebrate the big day. Jamie knows it's his birthday and can't stop talking about it. I don't have any pictures on my phone, but I'll hopefully have some to share soon.

Saturday was a lot of fun. We had Jamie's party at the Children's Museum and invited some of his playgroup friends. We also had grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends of the family there. Not only did we celebrate Jamie, but also Katie's upcoming birth. We received some adorable baby clothes and little necessities for the nursery.

Not much else to report. We're taking it easy today, after our busy weekend. I included a belly shot for this week...I'm wondering how much more I can "pop" out! I'm running out of pants that fit.

Friday, January 25, 2013

We have a date!

Repeat c-section has been scheduled for February 12th! Of course, I could always go into labor beforehand, but we have a date.

I had an ultrasound today, for a growth scan. As of 36 weeks and 4 days, Katie is estimated to weigh 7 lbs, 2 oz. Head size is on the 97th percentile. Wow.

Also, I found out that I have puppps. I'm one of the lucky ones to develop a pregnancy rash on my belly. It's not terrible, and it'll go away after delivery, but gosh I'm itchy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What a difference a year made.

Whenever I think about how uncomfortable I feel, how I am ready to deliver, or how big I must look, I try to stop and remember that I'm actually quite lucky. In just a few short weeks, we'll be meeting Katie. The aches and pains are worth it. The insomnia is worth it. The bad morning sickness/headaches/exhaustion were just a blip on the screen.

At this time last year, we were going through something very difficult. Out of nowhere, I began miscarrying when I was only 7 weeks pregnant. We'll never know why it happened, especially after getting a few good ultrasounds and seeing a heartbeat. I don't mention the miscarriage very often at all, but I still think of that baby often, and sometimes wonder...what would our lives be like if we hadn't lost him/her?

I remember having mixed emotions, feeling grief and hopelessness, anger and confusion. I wanted to shut out the world for a few days. Most of all, my heart just plain hurt. I would have given anything to keep that pregnancy.

Time helped. Talking to other moms was also a saving grace. I didn't feel alone. We're incredibly lucky and blessed to have gotten pregnant within a short period of time afterwards. I feel like we've come such a long way. This pregnancy has been a careful one. I feel paranoid sometimes, because I know that anything can happen. I try not to dwell on it, though, but it's hard. The blissful ignorance that I had with Jamie is gone.

So far, everything has been fine. I've been lucky to not experience any complications, although I've made plenty of phone calls to my doctor, out of sheer panic. I'm healthy, Katie's healthy, everything is right on track and next Monday, I'll officially be considered full term at 37 weeks.

We're excited. Jamie can't stop talking about his baby sister, and he's proud to be taking on the role as the big brother.

Sometimes it hits me that very soon, we'll have a newborn in the house. It hits me like a ton of bricks and seems surreal. I look around and I see the nursery, and assorted baby gear, and piles of blankets....and I think it won't really set in until she's home. It makes me a little teary eyed to think about that, but I really am feeling so lucky to have another chance at this. I'll try not to complain as much. Because really...I don't have a thing to complain about.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The kindness of strangers.

Older women have been incredibly sweet to me lately.

Yesterday, at the store, a woman asked when I was due and then congratulated me and said she hoped I had a safe delivery. Last week, a woman behind us in line commented that Scott and I were blessed, with a sweet boy and another child on the way. A woman at my doctors office said that we were a nice family.

Everyone at church has been really nice, too, and of course, everyone starts reminiscing and talking about their babies in their 50's! Oh, my.

I appreciate the kind words and it makes me feel good. I'm not so sure about the "sure it's not twins?" comments. I've had 5 ultrasounds this pregnancy. I'm positive there's only one baby in there!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Another belly shot.

I put on makeup for once and decided to do a front shot. Here's what I look like from the front!

Feeling good today. Woo hoo!

Tonight, I'm going to my first preschool board meeting at the church. Looking forward to it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


My friend Erin surprised me with a pedicure tonight. It was nice to do something relaxing and as I can't reach my own feet, it was very much appreciated.

I have a very thoughtful friend! Thanks, Erin.

Monday, January 14, 2013

35 weeks.

And feeling quite big. It's getting harder to squeeze into clothes and places, like the laundry area. It's also harder to get chores done, such as cleaning up the kitchen after a meal. I end paying for it later if I do too much, and I'll end up with cramps. Nevermind cleaning the floors! I also can't empty the trash or take the laundry upstairs. Pregnancy is limiting!

I'm so very glad that Jamie can put on his own shoes, since I can only manage slip on shoes myself.

Scott brought a few things down from the attic on Sunday night. I'll be washing the cradle bedding and the carseat padding this weekend, I suppose. Seeing those items make D-Day feel incredibly close!

I had wanted to get more sewing done, but at this point, I don't know if it'll happen. I'm too big and tired!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweetest birthday card. And flowers.

I have a very thoughtful husband.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cloth diaper tutorial.

I'm posting this here, mainly so that I can have a quick way to find this when the time comes and to show you how excited I am about using cloth diapers!

Nursery reveal, part 2.

Scott made the name plaque and I made the crib skirt and window valance. Jamie picked out the stuffed hippo.

A few more things need to be washed, but we're ready!

Nursery reveal.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional photographer! I am, however, very proud of our nursery. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

34 weeks and I'm turning 30!

I'll be 30 on Friday. Wow. I realized that in the past 4 years, I've been pregnant on 3 of my birthdays. Now, I know that most people dread turning 30, but I'm feeling the opposite. I've been looking forward to 30 all year. 29 wasn't the happiest of birthdays for me.

I'm feeling much more tired lately. Last week, I started having painful Braxton hicks contractions. At my checkup, my OB said everything was fine, and to just rest as much as possible. So, I've been doing much less, resorting to lying in bed or on the couch. Insomnia is happening more often, too. I'm going to be a sleepy mom when Babybug gets here!

Diapers are slowly getting washed, folded, and put away. I'm halfway done in that area. Not sure if we'll jump right into cloth, or do disposables for the first week. I think a lot of it depends on whether I have the repeat c-section and how my recovery goes. I wish I knew what to expect! At this point, delivery could go either's just up to Baby and how everything falls into place. As with Jamie, though, we're going with the flow. I'm not going to write a birth plan, I don't have any expectations...other than to go home with a healthy baby.

Can you believe it? Less than 6 weeks to go...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Putting Baby to bed.

Jamie read his baby a story and tucked her in. Then, very softly, he whispered prayers to get and helped her pray.

Ahhh. He's learning to understand and listen. Warms my heart.

2013 and 33 weeks.

Babybug is the size of a pineapple, according to my pregnancy app.

She'll be here next month! It seems so soon. Scott and I are on day 4 of organizing/nesting and preparing the house as best as we can. I'm really happy with how the nursery turned out! I'll be posting pictures once everything is done. I hope to get some sewing done today. I've washed and folded just about everything, with the exception of diapers.

I'm feeling bigger and hungrier. I feel like I'm always hungry! I'm also guzzling water like its going out of style. This makes it hard to leave the house. I'm forever looking for bathrooms. Shopping is no longer fun. The more I walk, the more uncomfortable I feel. Scott has taken over the grocery shopping, thankfully. I often joke that I wish there was room for me in the grocery cart. Baby is just sitting so low, it's a wonder she hasn't fallen out. I'm definitely waddling nowadays. Now I remember why I had hoped I would deliver Jamie early. I forgot how uncomfortable the third trimester is.

I'm also starting to feel Braxton Hocks (false labor), so perhaps my body is gearing up. Will I make it to 40 weeks? Only 6 weeks and 6 days to go!