Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Almost halfway there!

I'm officially 18 weeks pregnant today. Can you see my bump?

Scott's office had a party for us today, to congratulate us on getting married. It was really nice. I had to keep the party a secret, and the surprised look on Scott's face was classic. There was a delicious cake and plenty of Papa John's pizza. Some of his coworkers gave us baby advice, and there was talk of a baby pool -- everyone can guess on the gender and later, the due date. I'd just be curious if anyone can really pin down the date that I'll deliver. I'm still undecided as to whether I want to share my birthday -- January 11th.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First kick!

I'm obsessed about Baby's movements! This morning, while I was debating whether I wanted to get out of bed, I felt about 4-5 soft kicks. It didn't hurt at all, it felt like Baby's foot was wrapped with a pillow. It was an amazing feeling, over entirely too soon. I can't wait for it to happen again.

Scott and I went to Lowe's last night, to check out paint colors for the upstairs bedrooms. We have to pick out a color for the nursery and another for the guest room/office. When you don't know the gender, it makes it very hard to decide on a color. I kept picking out these soft lavender shades, and Scott actually picked a card that said "It's a boy!" Eventually, we picked a very light blue for the nursery and a peach for the other room. The yellows weren't at all appealing. Our house has 2 bedrooms, but we're converting one room into 2 rooms, thus, giving us a 3 bedroom house! If the construction takes longer than we expected, and if we can find out the gender before they're done..........then we can hurry back to Lowe's and pick out a lavender, if necessary.

Monday, August 24, 2009

This baby sure is active.

So, here I am, 2 days away from 18 weeks. I've been feeling "flutters" every day now, since late last week. It feels like something or someone is just bouncing around inside me. It's a really great feeling, and I love it. I've been feeling it a lot at night, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep, or when I'm sitting perfectly still, as I am right now.

Friday, August 21, 2009

74% Blue

According to Gender Prediction Test, we have a 74% chance of having a boy. Very interesting.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is it something in the water?

There are A LOT of pregnant ladies out there right now. It's nice to not be the only one excited about weekly milestones and bump pictures.

When I found out I was pregnant, there were only 3 other pregnant friends. Now I'm up to 9, with 6 having given birth in 2009. Even my parent's neighbor is expecting a baby in January -- same month as me!

While it may not seem like a big deal, each week, even each day, is an adventure. When a new week begins, it feels like an accomplishment, because you've made it so much closer to your due date. I'll admit, pregnancy is a little scary sometimes. Not knowing what to expect, not being able to know how your baby is doing without a fetal doppler or an ultrasound. I can't begin to explain how amazing it was to hear the heartbeat for the first time. When we had the ultrasound at seven weeks, I was so surprised to see an actual baby! I was like "Hey, the baby's exactly where he/she is supposed to be!" I think I freaked myself out by reading the baby boards.

I just can't wait until the big ultrasound at 20 weeks. It's not that I want one gender over the other, but I would just love to know so that I can start planning and actually calling Baby he or she!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baby's an......onion?

Every Wednesday, I'm one week closer to my due date -- as of today, I'm officially 17 weeks pregnant.

According to The Bump, Baby is the size of an onion. Yuck. I have an aversion to onions now (I also refuse to eat scrambled eggs and drink milk) and sadly have none in the house to take a picture with.

I'm also one month away from my wedding. Time is just flying by.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Green, Blue or Brown?

I found something really cool on the internet not long ago.

Eye Calculator

So....basically our child will have a 75% chance of having green eyes (Scott and I both have green eyes) and a 25% chance of having blue eyes. How about that!

I wish there was a tool for predicting size. Scott is 6'2", afterall.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Did I just feel something?

A few hours ago, I swore I felt Baby's first movement. It happened just before Scott walked in the door, for his lunch break. I got to tell him all about it. I've heard it described as a flutter or popcorn popping. Well, what I felt was a small swirling sensation, about 3 inches below my belly button, on the right. Not far from where we heard the heartbeat last week at the doctor's office.

I sure hope that was it! It only lasted a few seconds, but WOW.

We're having a baby!

It still sounds surreal to say that, but here we are, at 16 weeks. It's really true what they say about not caring whether it's a boy or a girl, as long as Baby is healthy. I still can't wait to find out, though. I just want to start planning!

Some days I have a strong feeling that we're having a boy, and other times I have girl dreams, so who knows? The Chinese predictor test indicates a boy, but the ring over belly test predicted a girl. Everyone keeps saying I'll have a boy, so it'll be interesting to find out what we're really having.

The big ultrasound is scheduled for the day after Labor Day, when we get back from vacation. I'm more excited about that than going to the beach! Sigh.