Saturday, December 22, 2012

Nursery progress

I hope to have the nursery done sometime next month. With 8 weeks to go until my due date, and 5 weeks until I'm full, that sounds close, doesn't it?

This week, we've assembled the crib and installed wall shelves. Yesterday, I organized the closet and separated all of the baby clothes into sizes (I'll wait to wash everything in January). I pulled the baby blankets out of Jamie's closet and realized that we should be mostly set on blankets, although they're mostly blue (but cute and soft!).

My sewing to-do list...
1. Crib skirt
2. Basket liner
3. Burp rags
4. Bibs
5. 1-2 blankets
6. Cloth wipes

Scott's to-do list....
1. Make name letters to go over crib
2. Take care of any heavy lifting/moving things around/carry things up and down the stairs for me
3. Take baby items out of the attic & set up in the appropriate places

And then there's the task of washing and prepping the cloth diapers, making sure we have the odds and ends good to go on that.....aside from needing some other odds and ends for nursing, pacifiers, toiletries, baskets for the bookcase.....I feel like we're on the right track. I'm also hoping to find the perfect lavender lamp for the nursery. Target seems to be sold out of the one that I fell in love with several months ago. Sigh. What a bummer.

I'd also like to make some baby hair bows. If I have time.

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