Monday, July 23, 2012

10 weeks.

I'm so happy that I'm closer to the end of the first trimester!

Here's my bump status -- regular shirts are becoming very tight. I definitely can't wear regular pants or shorts. I've embraced maternity clothes. I'd like to thank Erin and Kelly for helping me feel more fashionable!

I'm feeling good, definitely not sick anymore. I had a string of morning sickness at week 6, but am back to normal now. I'm tired, but that's about it. My hair is thicker, which is a pregnancy bonus. Everyday is a good hair day!

In 2 weeks, I'll hear Baby's heartbeat for the first time. So excited.


  1. One of the few things I miss about pregnancy is having great hair (now that it's falling out by the fistful). You look adorable!

  2. Oh, yes, the post partum shedding. I'm trying not to think about that, but at the same time, at least I'll be able to dye my hair again! It's always a toss up, isn't it?

    And thank you!
