Monday, December 21, 2009

Just a few more weeks to go....

Today, I'm officially 35 weeks pregnant. And seriously uncomfortable. Is this what the last month is supposed to be like? I don't think I'm huge, but my belly seems to always be in the way. If I lean forward while I'm on the laptop, I'll accidentally close a browser window or I'll knock a kitchen towel off of the oven door if I'm not careful. I've also had plenty of contractions, but they aren't consistent. Siiigh.

We still have plenty of snow on the ground. The news reported that our area got 14", which sounds about right. I think it'll stick around for Christmas, too. Here are some pictures from yesterday, when we ventured out to CVS and Kroger.

Here are our cars (I'm scared to drive mine for a few days), and Scott, carrying groceries into the house.

And here I am, modeling Scott's coat. My coat is slightly too tight, especially with a hoodie.

Christmas is on Friday! Can you believe it?

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