Things are going well at the Kramer house.
You'd never know that Katie has been here for less than a month. How on earth did we manage without her? We love her to pieces.
Jamie has never needed to be told to be gentle around her. He's always spoken in whispers to her and softly pats her on the back and gives her kisses on the cheek. He always asks if he can hold her, sitting perfectly still when he does.
If Jamie's in the room, Katie often looks up at him. She knows who he is. In the car..."Mommy, baby sister is looking at me!" "That's because you're her big brother. She likes you."
At dinner time, Katie sits in her bouncy chair in the kitchen with us. She hates to be left alone in the next room. At bedtime, she gets to snuggle with Jamie during the story and prayers. She's included in whatever we're doing.
I resumed preschool drop off and pick up today. I was wondering how I could manage going somewhere with 2 kids by myself. It was okay. I wore Katie in a wrap and she was easy. Then, I simply walked Jamie to his classroom and got him settled.
It takes a little longer to do things...we do have 2 kids in diapers, after all, and Katie eats all day long. There's more laundry. Not as much sleep, especially with this weekend's time change. Still, the rewards are nice.
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