No really, it is. It isn't just time out for Jamie, it's time out for me, too. Ugh, it's hard to listen to him cry. He's at the age where he has to learn that certain kinds of behavior aren't acceptable. He's starting to climb on everything, including the coffee table and the little square tables in front of the living room windows. It's scary! Before I know what he's doing, I look up and he's standing on a table! Or he's standing on the couch. Banging the floor lamp against the wall. Or jamming his fingers in the cd player. Sometimes he'll stop when he sees me rushing over, but other times he'll laugh and keep on doing what he's doing. I'm trying a few different versions of time out. Sometimes he has to sit on the floor, and the tv goes off, or if he's really not listening, he goes into the pack n play. If all else fails, he goes into his crib for a few minutes. I really don't know what other people do, but so far, this is working for us. I know he'll act up, and not listen to me, but it's still hard to listen to him cry when he realizes he's being punished. Oh, boy. Those are the only things he really gets in trouble for. Oh, and pushing. Sometimes he does great and doesn't push his friends. Other times...especially if he's around a lot of kids and gets overwhelmed, he starts pushing. That's tough, too.
Let's see, what else....
Jamie said "apple" the other night. He was referring to a plastic tomato, but it's close enough. We went to the children's museum this morning and he had a lot of fun. This time, he pretty much led the way and I followed him around. He really knew what he was doing! He'd check one area out, like apple picking, and then hurry over to the pirate ship, and then started exploring the vegetable patch. It was pretty cute. He's SO FAST, too. Sometimes I have to jog after him. He got a sticker during storytime and at home, I gave the sticker to Scott. Jamie reached over and grabbed it off Scott's shirt and promptly stuck it back on his shirt. We couldn't stop laughing. What a kid!
We have also begun the dreadful task of disciplining Bella. Over the past week, she's been in time out twice. =(