Saturday, June 11, 2011

Funny stuff.

Jamie loves to play with shoes. Actually, I did too when I was little. He is my son, after all. This happened on Thursday, it was nice and it allowed me to prep dinner.

And this was in the dressing room at Old Navy. I couldn't resist a photo op. I ended up getting that skirt hanging from the back of the stroller along with a coral tank top. I gave maxi dresses another try and I just can't make it work. My legs are too short and it looks like I'm wearing a potato sack. Skirts, on the other hand, will always work. As long as they aren't too long. And then it looks like I'm wearing a potato sack! Anyway. Jamie loved the mirror.

Yesterday, the cutest thing happened. I brought a clean diaper into the living room, and as soon as Jamie saw it, he immediately stopped what he was doing and laid down. I couldn't get over it. It always surprises me when I realize just how much he's aware of what's going on. Once the diaper (just pee) was changed, he leaned over to grab it (to help? throw it away?), but I don't know that I'm ready for him to do that just yet. But I'll gladly take him making the diaper changes easier. Some of his friends are starting to potty train, but I don't know that we're there yet, either. 16 months seems so young, doesn't it? I thought the standard age was 2. Oh, well.

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