I can't believe it's been two weeks since Jamie was born. It's been crazy and hectic, but wonderful, of course. We're all adjusting really well to each other.

The first week was probably the hardest. Jamie had his nights and days mixed up and we were confused on how often he was supposed to eat. I had no idea that newborns were supposed to eat 8-12 times a day, but at first, we were going nearly every 2 hours and feeding entirely too long. Once the pediatrician gave us some helpful advice, things have been much smoother. For the last week, he's been sleeping longer at night, and we're only up about twice a night to feed. I'm getting better at watching his cues to figure out when he's hungry and when he needs to be comforted. The funny thing is that he never cries when he has a dirty diaper. It's always a surprise.
Jamie is starting to become more alert everyday. It's fun to watch his facial expressions. He seems to like looking at lights. Another cool thing is that he has a great grip. Sometimes he holds onto his pacifier.
Jamie doesn't really like getting baths. This picture is misleading, because it was only a matter of seconds before he started crying. We're still at the sponge bath stage until his umbilical stump falls off.
When we're upstairs, Jamie likes to spend time in his swing. We use a sound machine (the womb sound works best) to soothe him. I like to think that Jamie is pretending to punch the bad guys in this picture. It's pretty cute. Sometimes he'll just start punching at the air.
In baby bump tradition, here's my two week post partum bump. In looking back at my earlier bump pictures, this is on par with about where I was at 15 weeks pregnant. I still say I feel much more comfortable and energetic than I did while I was actually pregnant. Recovery is going smoothly and I can't wait to be 100% back to my old self.
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