He's here!
Introducing...James Aidan Kramer! He arrived at 11:33 am via scheduled c-section on Thursday, January 28th. He weighed 9 lbs 15 oz at birth, measuring 22 1/2 inches long.
Scott and I couldn't be happier, prouder parents. It's kind of crazy how unexpected a birth can be. I had always planned to let things happen naturally, which was just fine with my doctor. When I went for my 40 week checkup, however, Jamie was measuring larger than we expected on the ultrasound. After getting a second opinion with a specialist and a few extra ultrasounds, my doctor strongly suggested having a c-section. I was shocked, but agreed to follow her advice. Jamie still ended up weighing more than the measurements predicted. Who knows how long it would have been until I went into labor naturally and what kind of experience that would have been.
There's nothing to describe that moment when Jamie was born. I will never forget it. I remember feeling nervous, constantly asking what was happening, wondering at what moment I would hear crying. When it finally happened, I couldn't believe it. Before I knew it, a nurse was holding him up for me to see, and then Scott started snapping pictures. Scott held him first, and I was able to stroke his face with my hand, since the rest of me was unable to move. The anesthesiologist took my camera and got some great shots of the three of us.

Once I was stitched up, I was wheeled into a triage room and I got to hold Jamie for the first time. We got to spend a little bit of time bonding together, but then he had to be taken away to the nursery for all of the standard newborn care things. That was really tough. I had waited so long for him and we were separated right away! While he was gone, though, we had time to call our parents and then other close family members. Once I had some feeling back in my body, I was moved upstairs to my post partum recovery room. It was a lot like a cabin on a cruise ship -- very small on space, but nice. I was there until Sunday afternoon, and while I was more than ready to leave on the last day, we really needed the extra time there. I always had a nurse assigned to my room and a nurse for Jamie. Who knew that babies were so confusing! I think I had to call someone in just about every time I needed to feed Jamie.
Anyway, we've had a few days at home together and survived our first trip out of the house this morning -- to the pediatrician's office. Jamie currently weighs 9 lbs 5 oz. He's in the 98th percentile for his height (wow!) and the 81st for his weight.
Tomorrow, he'll be a week old. Where has the time gone?